Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ever since our discussion on the importance of nonverbal I have been reading this book while imagining what gestures and expressions would best suit each new concept. The transcriptions of stories are especially fertile for this sort of treatment.

This afternoon I read about the carpenter who joined two neighbors' properties with a bridge. I thought about hearing this story live and decided it would be more influential in the frame of a live teller-live audience situation. As of now it's just transcription, meaning, it's words translated to the page. The words might not have been meant to be translated to the page, after all ...

Tim and I were just talking about Marshall McLuhan's idea that the medium is the message. In Simmons' case, I believe it is. Does anyone else feel like the stories, though interesting, are beginning to stale in this regard?



At October 1, 2007 at 10:22 AM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Indeed. Actually I feel somewhat restricted because I want to do other things but don't feel it meets the current parameters. But by having the boundaries it does make it challenging to find something fresh, ie gestures, story order, meeting the time constraint.

At October 1, 2007 at 9:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Lets force ourself not to tell a story about ourself this week. Force some change.


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