Monday, September 17, 2007

JohnJ_5_i Push and Pull Ads

So i was reading about how Simmons states that pushing ideas are harder to do and recive an push back, but when you pull someone into a story you can receive a push in the right direction with back from the person receiving the story. This is made me start thinking about Advertising and what we have see development over the past few years on the internet and what we can expect in the future.

First we saw the banner ad. They started pushing their message by being the first thing you see. Then people ingored them, then they pushed harder by flashing them. The people fought back and started to block ads.

Next we saw ads that were placed within stories. Viewers would be intrigued in the subject and then see the ad. They were pulled into the story and received the ad. As a result ad blocking programs were created that black-listed ads from the start of the page to the end of the page.

Finally were starting to see environments that are developed around subjects with ads mixed into this environment. Users are pulled into content and actively engaged then must view the ad to continue consuming the product they were first involved with. For example, I want to catch up with the football games of the weekend at and they put their videos right on the front page, what i want to watch, however they tease the content for 5 secs and then show a 10 second ad, and then show the 3 min. video i wanted to see in the first place. I was pulled in and then delivered the content.

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At September 18, 2007 at 7:41 AM, Blogger Video Storyteller said...

I know there needs to be a way to pay for content. I think most people will put up with a short 10 second spot before they are allowed to watch the program they want. There are some sites I have visited that put ads at the end of the content. I don't know how effective that is but it is nicer for me.
When I first started to see these spots before the piece I wanted to watch, they were 30 second or in a few cases 60 second spots. They were just too long to wait. 10 seconds is much more bearable.
How about using a frame around the video to display the ad info? Would that just get ingnored too?

At September 18, 2007 at 10:44 AM, Blogger Luke said...

What's crazy is that we go online looking for advertising. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Last year some students from BS entered a contest to get their Dorito's commercial on during the SuperBowl. Frito Lay Corp. started the contest that not only got them free ads, but drove the viewer to search for them. The user voted on the adds that would air. The user watched ads willingly.

We see a funny add on TV and have to show someone. Get on YouTube and look for ads to watch. That's crazy, but it's also good advertising and creative.

At September 20, 2007 at 3:08 PM, Blogger John "Vince" Martin said...

WWE does the same thing. Each of their little stories are preempted by either an advertisement for an event, or a sponsor. It gets really annoying and I just mute the story. In any form, I think I can avoid them. Until it is as such as it was in Futurama where they were broadcast in our sleep.

Hmmm. Norton Brand Sleep Pills. Deletes incoming advertisements in your dreams before they can take form.


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