Background Gradients
Here are the gradients you will need to incorporate into each site before next Tuesday.
I don't have all the banner colors so if you don't see your group's link, please provide me a link to your current site so I can pull the color down and create the gradient.
Remember, your background color will be grey (hex number: a9acb1)
and you're background image will be this .jpg file repeated along the X-axis (left to right) along the top.
(just open the link, then right click and hit 'save image as' and use it as needed.
A piece of code similar to this will need to placed just below your header in your HTML/CSS

(it's an image because blogger doesn't like displaying code)
Ask Dr. Dailey if you need any help implimenting it as he knows a crapton more about CSS than I do.
Labels: BH