Monday, October 22, 2007

Barbaric Yawp

Liz 10:Q I loved the story about Studs Terkel in the airport. Why? Because I’ve done that. Sounding my barbaric yawp in the midst of silence that needed to be pierced. I can’t stand it so much at times that I burst. If you are ever stuck in an elevator on my way up or down be prepared for an actual comment or conversation or abstract act. Maybe it’s why I wore a nuns habit outfit to my Christian parochial (very non Catholic) high school reunion. What a blast that was yet, loads of people didn’t get the humor. Guess that’s why I didn’t get invited back. But it’s okay. It was worth it to jog a few people to think outside their comfort zones. Isn't that what Simmons is encouraging?



At October 22, 2007 at 7:19 AM, Blogger Video Storyteller said...

Talk about risk taking! I appreciate the humor in wearing the Nun's habit, but I would probably be too chicken to actually do something like that. A Tip O'The Tam O'Shanter to you!

At October 23, 2007 at 1:51 PM, Blogger Martin Ryder said...

I always love those awkward silences on elevators. Especially if you have a friend there who totally gets the joke along with you. There just doesn't seem to be any good reason why people don't talk to each other on elevators. I mean, we have at least one thing in common every time.

The Nun's habit thing is funny. I've done some somewhat similar things before. One year my friends forced me to wear a costume to their Halloween party. I won't say what the costume was, but they regretted their decision. Thankfully a few people thought it was funny.


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