Friday, October 19, 2007


Getting down to the base of what she had tried to tell us, neither pushing for the '110 percent' nor giving the same 'sad story' all of the time only reduces the productivity in a company. Family oriented stories are what get people going as well as talk about free time.

Now, I have done my own share of negative talk. In fact, I have done this more than I can remember. I don't know if it is in the human condition like she mentioned once in the chapter, but I just have a tendency to look at life in a negative view. My father is also a very negative person, something I blame on his accident early on that gave him his disability. It is definitely no fault of his. All I know is that I should, as well as everyone, start looking at what we are saying and try to lift spirits instead of weighing them down with small, negative thoughts.



At October 20, 2007 at 8:43 AM, Blogger Video Storyteller said...

It is hard to avoid saying anything negative and not say anything at all compared. I try my best to keep my mouth shut, but once in awhile I let loose. Yes it's usually with family. My oldest son and my wife are often at each other and I try to stay out of it. Being quiet, they both accuse me of not caring. It's actually the opposite, I care very much. So I'll keep trying to keep my lips zipped. I need to work on a story that works for both of them and maybe it will ease things.

At October 21, 2007 at 7:49 PM, Blogger Chad said...

I've met very few people with truly negative attitudes. If people are mad or upset, I find most of the time they just need to rage for a bit.

Afterward, I'll use the Question Treatment, in which a long list of queries allows them to speak at length about their worries, and maybe also have a new thought or two.

Still, I'd rather not become a therapist.

At October 23, 2007 at 1:42 PM, Blogger Martin Ryder said...

I think that negative thinking is just way easier. It is also backed up more often by real life. You can probably find more negative events and stories out there than positive ones. Positive thinking seems like a more active, focused form of thinking.


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