Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Han_10 I

What are our stories from? Usually they come from what we see and what we hard. The things we see and heard just are around our lives. Therefore the stories are the reflection of our lives.
I like sharing experiences with people because I can get what I can’t gain from my experiences. The stories people tell show their personalities and thoughts. I think this is the good way to know people.
Some traditional Taiwanese families still think women don’t have to study a lot. They think they end up to merry some one and their husbands can support them. Therefore, some of my girlfriends just want to be housewives after they merry. However since I was young, my mom has kept telling me that women should be independent instead of relying on their husbands. This idea has kept staying in my mind, so it is why I decided to go to abroad to learn more. Therefore, I do think sometime one word or one sentence can change our lives or our thoughts.



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