Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I'm going to be completely honest. I suck at telling stories because my memory is freaking shot. I can't remember shit and it drives me nuts. I have all sort of stories but none of them work unless I'm with the guys at a bar talking about guy stuff. My day to day activities are completely uninteresting. I always revel in chad's ability to be in a strange situation and always have a story to tell. I wish I could do that...and I'm pissed I can't. So it's just a crappy downward spiral.

I'm pissed and littered with self-doubt because of everything this lady says. I wish I could tell stories better but I can't because I can't remember them. She says to 'jot' ideas down...well that's great...that'd mean I'd always need a notebook, a pencil and perhaps an audio recorder. When I have that flash it only last a few moments before its gone, often before I can even write the idea down.

I could pay complete attention to everyone's story today and within 30 minutes you could ask me to relate them and I couldn't...at all.

So damnit, give me an F in storytelling.



At October 23, 2007 at 3:56 PM, Blogger irantoni said...

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At October 23, 2007 at 3:59 PM, Blogger irantoni said...

Stop wallowing in self-pity Brian!!!

a) your way of storytelling is just differing from others (you got an Emmy for a reason you schmock!)

b) be INSPIRED by others but don't try to POSSESS their particular ability of something. Everybody is unique!...and if you don't find any abilities in yourself, I am sure I can help you!!

c) Stop reaching for "perfection"!! It blinds your sight for the things that really matter and just makes you waste your precious time.

d) you are an important individual so stop trying to be important or make yourself irreplaceable because you are already!!!

e) Celebrate your Ordinariness!!!
Why does this f****ing society always look for fanciness in stories and heroes and unbearable pain???

At October 23, 2007 at 4:12 PM, Blogger irantoni said...

...oh...and if you need a hug, let me know!

At October 23, 2007 at 4:54 PM, Blogger JessieAnn said...

Your post reminds of an episode of The News From Lake Wobegon. Garrison Keiller tells a story about an uncle of his that bought a typewriter so he can write out the family history, but gave up after two weeks because the family was so boring that there was nothing to write.
This is funny, of course, because Garrison (who got the typewriter after his uncle) has made a life's work out of telling stories about his family and other "boring" people.
I guess the point is that there doesn't have to be a a strange or unique situation going on for a story to come out. It's just finding a creative way to look at everything going on around you.

The memory thing, though, I have no help for. There's a ginko tree outside of AJ, you could try suckign on that for a while.

At October 23, 2007 at 5:14 PM, Blogger Brian Handler said...

The image of me sucking a tree during my lunch break is pretty funny.


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