Monday, October 15, 2007

Risky Business

Liz 9:I
“Playing it safe isn’t interesting. Being superficial isn’t interesting. Authenticity is interesting. Passion is interesting. Authentic human tragedy and comedy are interesting.” Annette states. I agree.
Age affords a new sense of boldness. You have hopefully learned by then that risk can pay off. So without spoiling my personal “just ask” stories to tell here is what can happen if you just ask. Ross Perot had two college students sitting before him at a desk. They had mustered the courage to ask him to donate $250,000 to their cause. Half of what they hoped to raise. Ross said very little as he listened. He then began to write a check and handed the happy young men a check for the full amount. The students were amazed and grateful. Then Ross spoke, “let that be a lesson to you”. They looked perplexed. He continued, “if you would have asked for the whole amount, I would have given it to you.”.
Let's risk more, sometimes it has a nice pay off.



At October 15, 2007 at 3:05 PM, Blogger Luke said...

But was it risk that paid off or being humble?

At October 15, 2007 at 10:10 PM, Blogger Joshua said...

I think it's risk. Asking for such a large amount from one donor is risky. If the donor declines the project could be sunk in effect. In a way, Ross's closing words act as a moral, or metaphor, for being an even greater risk taker. They could have had it all...

At October 16, 2007 at 3:12 PM, Blogger Martin Ryder said...

Let's not forget that Ross Perot was a little crazy, though. He could just as well jumped on the table and danced a little jig.

I should point out that my only real knowledge of the man comes from Dana Carvey's impression.


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