Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Through digital technology listening has become an epidemic, or rather the lack of listening. Our attention has been diverted by, laptops, cell phones, IM, Facebook, iPods, Television, video games, etc. We are an ADD nation. Just looking at cinema from 50 years ago many now would say those once great films are now considered boring and slow. To entertain us has become a matter of how much content can be throw at an audience in a short amount of time. The average length of time between cuts on TV has dramaticly decresed over the last 15 years. We have become impatient listeners of the course of history. This makes the job of the storyteller ever more difficult. Capturing the attention of an audience takes more today then it once did. Our desire for good stories has not changed the way we recieve them has. I wonder if the reason for this is due to our advancing in how we can absorbe information and the quantity of information. Culturally our ability to process data and information has incressed, possibly causing us to need more information and data at a higher rate. Humans appitite for information is growing and so as a storyteller we need to acknowldge this and adapt.



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