Monday, August 27, 2007

Iris I&2 $&$§&§$%!!!

...I deleted my beautiful Post through marking the Text with shift+arrow up (...I haven't used blogger in a long time...- three months is long when you don't blog AT ALL) and then - just in that second- blogger "autosaved" the empty post so I couldn't get back to the previous version (next time write it in word and then post it)....and then I spilled my "tons-of-pulp" Orange-Juice on the table which took me at least five dead trees to clean up.....I am feeling a little bit enraged right now and would like to destroy something or start a dressless riot on university avenue....but I shouldn't because all my work will be useless if I am sitting in a padded cell unable to attend the class tomorrow....*phew*...I know it is very unprofessional to bother the public with my insane profanities....and I still have almost an hour to finish the post - and guys....I can write a lot &%$§ in an hour if it wasn't Monday where my mind falls apart at 7:45am and it usually takes me the whole week to puzzle it together......

AND YES...I am also one of the memebers that waits for the I thought I ride down on my oldschool-backbreak-bike to the village to CBX to buy it and then return it to get full refund before Sept. 2nd (uuuuh I am so SMART!!!) just to find out that CBX didn't order any of them AT I ended up sitting on the carpet of the Atrium and quick reading the two chapters (and peeking into a book about a Voodoo Priestess in Brooklyn named Mama Lola) because the full-refund date already passed there.....anyway....a few things popped into my mind and I promise I keep it short and sweet:

- did anyone felt at least a little bit reminded of Csikszentmihalyi while reading about Capital-T-Truth?....(that wasn't meant negative)

- Knowing and showing your vulnerability is also a form of defense because you also state:"I know my weak points so don#t stab into them because I amprepared and if you nevertheless do so you shed bad light on yourself"

- Somehow I have the impression that communication studies made me "see" stories and now I see them everywhere. That bothers me because sometimes I just do not want to hear a story to illustrate me why and how I have to act a certain way or to change my attitude/behavior towards something. Sometimes as cold and naked the truth is I want to hear it straight and clear and not botoxed and lifted and wrapped in a pretty corset. Because when you strip it it is still the cold and naked truth.....I just guess it is a thin red line between being offensive and being honest.....
A story has to be well incorporated otherwise it may pulls me away from the speaker. I went to a service of Campus Crusade and the speaker used a lost+found story of her dog to build up a connection with the audience and then to lead into her speech about "lost sheep".....I got pulled away...I didn't like it...

- although the author talkes about basic and essential aspects of communication I am already familiar with (through courses I took during my 11 semesters of study) she formulates and organizes them in a clear straight manner and sometimes points out connections that were too obvious (!!!) for me to recognize them. I like her six categories. Those categories are extremely basic - thats why the connection to religions: basic and ancient patterns!!

....and I know I broke my promise....;D!



At August 27, 2007 at 7:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"A story has to be well incorporated otherwise it may pulls me away from the speaker. I went to a service of Campus Crusade and the speaker used a lost+found story of her dog to build up a connection with the audience and then to lead into her speech about "lost sheep".....I got pulled away...I didn't like it..."

There isn't any thing worse than that. Its a shame that people do such things. My roommate like to create stories and clam then as being true, but I come to find out that its nothing more then a lie, I get very upset.


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