Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wellness Institute Update

Hello everyone! A couple of years ago I found myself in the exact same class you are currently in and hopefully you'll come away with the same rewarding experience I did. To make this a win-win-win (thank you Michael Scott) situation for you, myself, and for the Fishers Wellness Institute I'm going to make some admendments to Tuesday's discussion. We are currently in the process of asking superintendents in Delaware County which wellness programs they currently have in their school that they would like to be highlighted. I believe focusing on a program as opposed to a specific school will give you a better opportunity to develop stories that we can then take to parents, other schools, and maybe even State officials in Indianapolis to explain what it is that wellness tries to accomplish and why it is such a worthwhile endeavor. So, I will soon post to you a list of what programs we'd like to have highlighted, and the school that holds that program, plus contact information. At that point we can divide the teams up with a specific program, or you can be the lucky group that does a wellness overview. Please comment on this post if you have any questions or concerns or email me at


Curt Sutterfield


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