Tuesday, September 25, 2007


In the thought of business 'being personal,' I would like to say that (to me anyway) the most likeable businesses are the personal ones. I think the businesses that seem to have a more personal image and message are the most endearing. For instance, the founder of Chick-Fil-A insisted that his restaurants always close on Sundays to give his workers a chance to rest. Now that it's a major restaurant, this policy still stands. Despite the fact that they're probably losing millions of dollars a week, they still do it. And the STORY behind this policy is related to the customers... on signs or napkins or something like that. It charms the customers. So this is an example of how personal stories relate to business.



At September 27, 2007 at 2:32 PM, Blogger BP said...

I think there are a couple aspects to a business being "personal."

The first is for the customer to know the people at the companies personally.

This can be found at Mom-and-Pop-Shops.

The second is to be treated personally. This can be found via Online stores. Amazon will offer personal products to customers based on past purchasing information. This is personally appealing to a customer without personally knowing a person at Amazon.


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