Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I agree with many others about this chapter.... Nothing really grabbed my attention.... However, when reading about "your character in the epic sense," my mind started wandering... It's true that we all judge each other by the stories we tell. However; I believe we judged them long before we even started this class... In Dr. Joe's class we have all done the Myers Briggs test.. My letters are INTJ... And not only does "J" stand for judging (for those who haven't done the test) I scored 100% on the judging... (and my friends haven't let me forget it, either!) But anyway, I started thinking about how some of these stories actually change my opinions about some people in this class.... I think these stories bring out sides that we've never seen before in each other.... One story in particular really touched me because the same thing has happened to me... I never had a connection with this person before, but I do, now...



At September 25, 2007 at 4:34 PM, Blogger irantoni said...

...we all consist of different facettes: people we don't like can show traits we evaluate as positive and people we do like reveal their "dark side". Unfortunately the first impression is a very strong one and we are pattern making animals which sort incoming information into labeled "drawers" but fortunately we have the capacity of re-evaluating and questioning our own impressions.

P.S.: That is why it is hard to believe someone who kills hundreds of people could be a loving father and husband at the same time.


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