Monday, October 22, 2007


The line between a storyteller and a miscreant is a thin one. (233)

Amen. More often than not the unsavory characters you meet will be the most fun to talk to. Take for example my great uncles, two of the most unsavory characters I know and also two of the best storytellers I have personally met. They probably don't even consider themselves storytellers, but they're the type that can sit down to talk to each other and draw a crowd. As far as mammoth cat fish, the SeaBees, plane crashes, and bowling are concerned they've got you covered.

I have also found that Simmons' rule holds true while traveling. For example, I met Elmer in Charleston, South Carolina (some of you may remember my stubbed toe/liquor store hunt story). He was sitting outside a convenient store and invited myself and some friends to, "Sit awhile and listen to my story." He commenced to tell his life story. Both the ups and the downs, the good times and the bad. He told us how he had lost the use of his legs and how we had found salvation in the Lord, Jesus Christ... who by the way wanted us to by him a King Cobra 40oz. Nary a better story has been told.

On a slightly unrelated note I have also found that this rule holds true for seafood restaurants. The worse it looks, the better the seafood is on the inside. Health Services might not agree with me, but I judge on taste. Anyway, you should take to heart both Simmons and my advice. The next time you see a shady-looking cat siting outside of a shack that claims to be a seafood restaurant, get ready, because you're going to be in heaven! That is is you consider heaven to be enjoying delicious seafood in the company of a delightful spinner of tales.



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