Tuesday, September 4, 2007


You know this chapter is killing me. I'm like that old cop drama out of LA in the late 60's -- Dragnet. In that show the lead police officer says "just the facts, ma'am' at least every other episode and it's become a bit of a cliche joke ever since. I think in the 1987 remake they purposely have Joe Friday says that exact line quite a few times as a joke...back then they were serious.

Well...I like the facts as I said in my last post. I work better with facts but that doesn't mean everyone else does. She makes a good point on page 51:

Contrary to popular belief, bad decisions are rarely made because people have all the facts. Bad decisions are made because people ignore the facts, do not understand the facts, or do not give the facts enough importance.
I think this is a pretty enlightened thing to say I suppose. From a managerial perspective, though, I'd feel a lot better at night if I knew those on my team had the fact presented in a prioritized and usable manner. I think the little story about the fireman being seen from two perspectives is neat...but dammit I can't let go of my natural tendencies.

"A story" she continues, " will help them figure out what all these facts mean."

If the information was managed properly then the individuals should be trained to leave their own emotions and experiences on the table and work specifically for that project. Maybe, in my case, I'd have to hire someone to turn my fact-speak into a story to be an effective manager.

Arg...as I'm writing this I realize how strange I must be to everyone else. How can people even talk to me?

Anyways, I had a dream last night that I was a robot and I woke up in a sweat because someone had given me a computer virus that caused everything I looked at to appear with a distorted Eleanor Roosevelt's face and it would cause my robot body to freeze and lock up. I woke up and said "eleanor" and drifted into a weird lucid dream and the whole event has made my day feel pretty funky. I have a computer virus...must...have...facts...ahh!




At September 4, 2007 at 4:54 PM, Blogger JessieAnn said...

So this dream you had, let's look at that. To dream that you a robot indicates that you are going about your life in a mechanical, if not unfeeling manner. It is a symbol most often seen by people that believe they have lost the ability to express their feelings. The computer virus is just that, a sickness of a computer. sickness represents an unwillingness or inability to cope with a new situation. It is often associated with people who have been confronted by a set of values that they cannot mesh with their own ingrained values.
So could it be that you are actually taking the message of the book to heart and your subconscious is having a hard time accepting them in light of your own "Just the Facts Ma'am" frame of mind?

Eleanor Roosevelt, though, you're own your own with that one.

At September 4, 2007 at 5:16 PM, Blogger Martin Ryder said...

I would totally sympathize with you if you weren't a filthy robot. All stealing old peoples' medicine and everything.

As for the Eleanor Roosevelt thing, maybe you want to marry your cousin.

At September 4, 2007 at 10:07 PM, Blogger Poker Stroker said...

Getting away from the weird Roosevelt dream. I would love a utopia were facts could just stand on their own and be good enough. Unfortunatly humans just don't think or feel that way for the majority of us. Facts are just the framework for the stoies that we tell. I still agree with you, its just not the world we live in.

At September 5, 2007 at 1:34 PM, Blogger John "Vince" Martin said...

That is the horrible thing about humans. It is a rare thing that someone can put aside something that they hold absolutely true until something massive or fictional is able to change it. To the point where you have to plant seeds of truth in fiction to get someone to learn about them.

As for the Roosevelt thing.

I got nothin'.

I can't go no mo'.


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