Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I thought the Sufi teaching story about good 'ol Nasrudin was pretty great. It reminded me of a time that I forgot about a speech I was supposed to give for COMM 210 about an hour before class. If only I could have pulled off the "Who knows of which I speak?" routine. As for the rest of the chapter, I may not agree with Simmons a great deal of the time, but I do believe that stories have much more of an impact than just throwing facts at people. For instance, you could tell someone that drinking and driving is bad and that countless people are affected by it every year. However, if they are able to hear or see a story about someone who had their life ruined by drunk driving, they are much more likely to accept the advice.



At September 4, 2007 at 5:08 PM, Blogger JessieAnn said...

I'll admit, I almost never prepared my Comm210 speeches more than an hour before I was supposed to give them. I skated by in that class with an A by simply telling stories that had something to do with the topic at hand. I think everyone could benefit by having a handful of stories in their back pocket to pull out in a tight spot.


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