Saturday, September 22, 2007


Think of commercials you have seen recently. I'm sure most of you thought of some you really liked and a couple that you think are terrible. There has always been terrible and great commercials on TV and there always will be. The difference between the terrible commercials and the ones that are seen as great, or enjoyable, is the difference between sound bite and epic.

For me it's the "epic" that draws me into commercials, or any other form of advertising. Designers and marketers that have an innate sense of storytelling and how to connect with people are better at what they do. They make better advertisements.

It's an interesting concept for us to keep in mind as well. Just because some looks slick and contemporary doesn't mean that people are going to connect. We have to constantly keep in mind that the technology is secondary to the people using it. Sound bites are great but they don't last. It's the people, the epics, that will always be here.



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