Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The story about Tipper Gore and the homeless woman was one of the highlights for me in chapter five. The author tells us how this story could cause even a "radical conservative" to hear her story. In earlier chapters we've talked about how much more effective an argument can be with a story behind it. In this case, shifting the stereotype of lazy homeless people is much more convincing with a story than just mere fact.



At September 18, 2007 at 3:43 PM, Blogger Brian Handler said...

The conservatives' opinions didn't change, they just happened to fall asleep imagining piles of money and images of screwing over anyone in the name of the all mighty dollar. I mean, it is Tipper Gore...you have to sleep through anything that woman says.

At September 18, 2007 at 4:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This reminds me of a video we watch in our social issues class once. It was about 4 women who were homeless and how (and why) they were homeless. The story was so well told no one could say anything after the video.


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