Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Wow, I actually really liked something from this book. Great job!

Anyways, here's the quote:

People may give yo a list of rational-sounding things that the think they want but they usually don't know what they want any more than Shiva and Parvati did. ... For instance: "I want a million dollars." Because? "Then I won't have to work for someone else." Because? "I don't like someone else telling me what to do." So it isn't a million dollars that this person wants...it is personal freedom.
She goes on to explain that when you get to the core of a need most people have fundamentally similar desires, and that good storytellers know this. To me this is almost revolutionary. I try to see below the surface of things but often it comes back to the fact I assume everyone has a ulterior motive to basically everything they do. To me, it's never as simple as this quote explains. Man, I'm a cynic.



At September 18, 2007 at 4:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is the second time I've seen this quote. Is it Simmons trying to tell us that stories are cover-ups? They hid the facts and bend the truth?


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