Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Two years ago, I was watching late night TV when I decided to watch one of those Magic Bullet infomercials. The one where a group of people is standing around the table and the guy is making all kinds of crazy concoctions in ten seconds or less or something like that.

Well, I am not a really big blender fanatic. I don't know why. They just don't appeal to me in any real way. However, I wanted one of these Magic Bullets. Man, it was so awesome. It was making so many different things.

Why did I want it so bad?

It was because the infomercial was using story to make the Magic Bullet seem like the coolest thing ever. Every time the guy made something, that was a specific story. I didn't want to make pasta sauce, but if it only took 3 seconds, then maybe....

So now I own a Magic Bullet that's collecting dust in a kitchen cabinet. I have never used it to cook. I've mixed a few drinks in it, but I could have just used a blender to do that.



At September 18, 2007 at 12:51 PM, Blogger Johnny B said...

i want a magic bullet. And i know what infomercial you're talking about. For some reason I watched that whole infomercial and couldn't turn it off

At September 18, 2007 at 1:25 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

Me TOOOOO! Wait! Aren't we supposed to be making insightfull comments about the chapter? Well, maybe this commercial really tapped into our self-interest mode as human beings.

At September 18, 2007 at 2:01 PM, Blogger Graffanino said...

I, too, was hypnotized by the magic bullet phenomenon. Perhaps it did "tap into my self interest mode". Either way, I know it took a lot for me to talk myself out of getting one when I saw it on sale one day.

At September 18, 2007 at 3:20 PM, Blogger kingfish said...

So why do you think the infomercial was so successful? (I haven't seen it, by the way.)

Is that going back to the whole "push/pull" thing?

They pulled you in instead of pushed it upon you.

At September 18, 2007 at 3:49 PM, Blogger Brian Handler said...

My ex owned one...I bought it for her on Christmas a few years back. She loved it but it was really only used for making drinks and other concoctions.

They are actually pretty tricky to use, esp with dry foods.

And to 'kingfish's comment, all infomercials are pull. Whereas all Best Buys are push.

Retail...thank god we're in college.

At September 18, 2007 at 4:49 PM, Blogger irantoni said...

Has anyone watched the "Thunderstick Pro" commercial??? ....No it is not an electric entertainment device for adults...it is a blender-stick with eight blades!!! So fast you could whip 2% milk and loose a lot of weight eating cakes with whipped milk instead of whipped cream!!!...I was unfortunately to young to buy one....


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