Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Chapter 9...I kinda feel like Bozwell on this one. She's jumped to a new level of superiority, imagine that.

I found the chapter to be pretty fair, nothing really ground breaking in any way. The Hitler reference was a good step back to reality and I'm looking forward to ch 10 where they go into more detail.

The idea of not boring your listeners was good and pertinent. Us grad students are rarely bored by anything...but others I'm sure would be. I didn't exactly agree with the just stop talking idea though. If I just stop talking then I'd probably forget what I was going on about and jump subjects. Fuerthmore, and as Tim would probably support, the silence would make the group uncomfortable until someone spoke up... I don't see the goal.

Finally, my question. Simmons sharply criticizes storytelling voice. Ok, fine, it's a way to talk down to people. But what the hell does it have to do with the rest of this chapter. It's a one paragraph little blurb that really doesn't fit the surrounding topics. Did anyone else find this little mention a bit out of line?



At October 16, 2007 at 5:18 PM, Blogger JessieAnn said...

Influencing people is just one giant headgame. Remaining silent to make people squirm is just another way to mess with their heads. Have you ever had a teacher do that, just stand there and stare at the class because two people in the back of the room won't shut up? It's unnerving and kind of makes me feel like crawling under a desk. You should try it sometime, it really works.

At October 16, 2007 at 6:17 PM, Blogger Erik Crosier said...

Yes, I agree that it is important to not view the listeners of stories... but Simmons seems to be focusing on this point quite a bit throughout the text. I'm not sure why that is....?


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