Tuesday, October 16, 2007


This chapter made me think about the various religious groups that come to campus.

The worst one was this guy who used to stand outside AJ during class changes with a big sign detailing the fiery pit in which we would all burn for eternity. The guy wasn't even trying to save anybody. His story was that we were all doomed because we weren't him and his friends. Not a very effective story. I don't think he's allowed back on campus.

On the other hand, there are the old guys who hand out the Old Testament and the Mormons. While they may seem a little annoying when you're in a hurry to get to class and they start bugging you, they're so much nicer than the hellfire guy. Have you ever stopped and chatted with them? They're really nice people. They are calm and lay out their story to you. Sure, they probably think that you're a terrible person who will burn in Hell, but they don't say it. That makes them much more effective.



At October 16, 2007 at 3:07 PM, Blogger Brian Handler said...

it'd be ironic to leave 'no comment' as a comment but...no comment

I think you're right, the mormans are a little more stomachable but I certainly don't like walking by them. I don't stand outside preaching my beliefs in the most common walkway. And if I did I have a feeling the cops would come along...

At October 16, 2007 at 4:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Freedom of speech. At least he isn't on a mega phone... there was one guy like that my freshman year in between the library and emens. Boy does it echo there.

At October 16, 2007 at 5:13 PM, Blogger JessieAnn said...

Ah, Preacher Neil, the memories.

The thing that made me want to hit that guy with a clue-by-four was that he acted like that all the time. It wasn't just a schtick that he pulled out when he was "preaching" outside, he really did go through life judging everyone that passed him by. He didn't want to know anything about anyone else that didn't believe exactly as he did.

I really disliked that guy.


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