Saturday, September 15, 2007


Simmons states in Chapter 5: “Think of a story as a mnemonic device for complex concepts.”

Some pre-literate cultures used stories for that purpose, I understand.

In these cultures, mnemonic stories were chanted, rhythmic and exact. One such story was used by shipbuilders not only to help them remember each step of the process, but also to be spoken in time with their hammer-strikes, like a chain gang.

Consider the last list of 12 you memorized. Did it come from a sheet of paper? From a classroom lecture? I’ll bet if you really thought about it you could come up with only one. It ends like this: “ … three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.”

Taking for granted that couching knowledge in a story helps us remember, think about whether the addition of song and rhythm further aids the remembering process. What do you make of it?



At September 16, 2007 at 10:31 PM, Blogger Joshua said...

I whole heartedly believe that the additional of rhythm and song aid in the retention of knowledge.

Think about the "A, B, C's". I bet you just started singing the song in your head. It's amazing, but true, that many intelligent people can't tell you what letter comes after K without internally signing their way down from A.

Also, think about the "Solar System Song" and the "Alphabetical States Song." I didn't get to learn either, my elementary school believed in cold, hard memorization, but I know they're out there and I'm sure many of you still remember them.

And who can forget all of the African chants and the epic poems of the Greeks; that many scholars believe were more likely sung, than spoken.

I know personally that my knowledge of music (artists, albums, and genres) is better than any other area of interest. Maybe it says something about my poor judgement of career choices, or maybe it just means I need to set my Chesebro notes to the tune of Bon Jovi.

At September 16, 2007 at 10:32 PM, Blogger Joshua said...

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At September 17, 2007 at 12:51 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

Conjunction junction what's your function? Hooking up words and phrases and clauses.

aaah...School House Rock now as a theatrical


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